
We hope you enjoyed our Umhlambiso ceremony on 27 April 2019 and now we’d like to invite you to join us in celebrating our marriage ceremony on 23 August 2019!

A Little bit of info

About Us

Technically, you should already know a little something about us which is why you received an invite but assuming you don’t…. here is a brief description of who Edwin and Khanyi are…

We’re a couple who are big on family and love. We appreciate and celebrate the small things in life and understand that all things are truly possible through God and a relentless belief in one’s self.

We are thankful to have people like you in our lives and it would be a great pleasure for us to celebrate the milestones of our lives, together with the people who have played a role in making us who we are today.

May you please join us in celebrating our love for each other as well as the joining of two families, two cultures and two nations under the union of marriage!


Our Journey


APRIL 2017

Ed and Khanyi meet at a mutual friend’s birthday party which, unknowingly to them, had doubled up as a blind date organized by their friends.

Ed, having just arrived back home from working in the U.K. was not looking for love just so soon. Khanyi, on the other hand, was on her ‘independent woman’ aka ‘Being Mary Jane’ year and hence love had become a controversial dissertation topic for her...

but alas, after the both of them met…cupid, their friends and ultimately God would have other plans for them.


may 2017

After several charming dates and non-stop chatting, the pair could no longer deny the connection and begin dating. The first kiss follows shortly thereafter…


december 2017

The couple take their first trip together to Ed’s motherland, Kenya, for “holiday”. Having not seen each other for a few years, Ed’s family is overjoyed that Ed has finally grown up and brought home a loving, fun, beautiful and potential (soon to be) bride. Well played Ed!

Ed and Khanyi tour Nyeri and Nairobi before ending the 2017 year on Diani Beach in Mombasa, Kenya.


april 2018

Ed surprises Khanyi with a birthday gift which includes a planned trip to Paris, France to watch her all time tennis hero and then fictional husband Rafael Nadal in the 2018 French Open.

Little does she know that Ed has further plans during their trip. Rafael won’t stand a chance against this brazen Kenyan…


june 2018

After enjoying the French Open and sightseeing in Paris, Khanyi thinks her highlights are over. Next stop is Venice, Italy where Ed has one more surprise looming.

On 12 June 2018, with the blessings of family and planning with friends, Ed wins Khanyi’s heart in straight sets when he proposes outside a church on San Giorgio Island in Venice.

She never espededit…Game,Set, Match made in heaven.

Wedding planning stress soon follows…


27 april 2019

Ed and Khanyi celebrate the joining of two families and cultures in a traditional Umhlambiso ceremony in Leondale Johannesburg

take a look at some


Life is not measured by
The number of breaths you take
But by the moments that
Take your breath away
"Life is not measured by...
...The number of breaths you take...
...But by the moments that...
...Take your breath away.

M. Angelou

23 AUGUST 2019 is

The Wedding

The Wedding ceremony will begin promptly at 15h00 and guests are encouraged to arrive between 14h00 and 14h30 in order to mingle, take pictures, receive welcome drinks and be seated in good time for the ceremony.

After the Wedding ceremony, the reception will take place at the same venue which will include an early dinner, speeches and of course, further celebrations of the union.

Both the Wedding ceremony and the reception will take place at Memoire Wedding and Function Venue in Muldersdrift, Johannesburg (<strong>map below</strong>).

Since this is a black tie event, all guests are requested to dress in strictly black tie attire and join us in celebrating the union of Edwin and Khanyisile in style!

Please would you


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A Message

SOOO... about our

Gift Registry

Unfortunately, by having a small flat, space has proved to be very limiting for us. Whilst we would appreciate the traditional gift registry in the form of cutlery, crockery, appliances etc, we fear we would not have anywhere to put them.

We’d like to request your contribution and well wishes in the form of monetary contributions or alternatively in the form of gift vouchers from selected merchants below, as this will allow us the flexibility to purchase items in the near future.

<strong><em>For Monetary Contributions</em></strong>

Please use the following bank account details with the reference being [your name] -<em> Umhlambiso</em>

<strong><em>Capitec Bank

</em></strong><strong><em>Savings Account

</em></strong><strong><em>Account No: 1571560007</em></strong>


</em></strong><strong><em>For Gift Vouchers </em></strong>

Please ensure the gift voucher is redeemable within a period of 3 years and from either of the following merchants –

@Home, Mall of Africa (General Gift Card), Sandton City (General Gift Card)

Thank you very much!

23 AUGUST 2019

See You There